25 de gen. 2011

Comenius in America....

We are (Col.legi Pare Manyanet) presently visiting our American partner School in Massachusetts and recently had a lecture on the school's Sustainability project. We thought it would be a wonderful idea to share our experiences and ideas and help this world to be more environmentally sound, no matter the distance. Attached to our Comenius blog, you will find a link to Pingree's project and their own environmental blog. Very interesting.

2 comentaris:

  1. Hi, I'm Josie and I go to Pingree School which exchanges with your school. I think it is really cool that you guys are made paper carrier bags from magazines and other paper products. I think our environmental club would definitely be interested in that. I also think it would be very informative to exchange information about how recycling works in our respective countries. I also think that it is really neat how we have such similar websites although we are very far apart.
    De Josie....24/01/11

  2. Hi! I'm Emily from Pingree School. I think that these conclusions are
    really interesting! I'm especially intrigued by the third one. I think
    that it is so important for everyone to contribute to recycling. If more
    people recycled, then it would raise awareness and it would increase the
    amount of recycling. Since the process is so complex, it is especially
    important for many people to step in and contribute and learn as much as
    they can!
