1 de des. 2010

Bochum 2010

Last week (november 24 - 28), 6 students and two teachers from Pare Manyanet visited our partner school Neues Gymnasium Bochum in Germany. We met 3 more students and two teachers from Wath Comprehensive school in Rotherham there, all of us partners of our Comenius project about recycling. The visit to Germany has helped us understand the German culture and their way of thinking much more. It also allowed us to create andestablish bonds with the people we lived with, all of them very warm and welcoming. We all hope that this friendship remains for many years to come. But we cannot forget either that it has also helped to reinforce the relationships among our schools in Bochum, Rotherham and Barcelona. Also, considering the main goals of our project, we can say we learnt a lot. Not only have we shared our ideas and strategies about recycling and the environment, but we have also come up with new strategies that will ensure the success of our intentions.

Now, we can finally say that our efforts have been rewarded with an experience that will definitely remain forever. Thanks to all the ones that made it possible.

Ian Mingote, Enric Camps, Alexandra Balvey, Aida Monge, Ariadna Rivera and Judit Sanahuja